Beyond 2020 | 國際設計政策圓桌會議
International Design Policy Roundtable TaipeiOfficial Organiser │ Industrial Development Bureau.MOEA
Organiser | Taiwan Design Research Institute
Co-curator | Lydia Ya Chu Chang
We live in an uncertain time, but the changes needed to deliver a better world can no longer be put off to the future. Both challenges and opportunities are emerging simultaneously. Actions are needed to address inequality, the climate emergency, environmental degradation, justice and the betterment of lives and prospects for everyone. The next generation of design policy must be committed to bringing together clear thinking on goals, the right framework and the best expertise to tackle the huge challenges the world faces. Since Denmark launched the world's first national design policy in 1997, design started being applied broadly among different creative sector industries. Since 2000, countries across Europe and Asia started formulating their first Design Policy, focused on promoting the value of design for national development and also directing long-standing international competitiveness into new channels. Over the recent twenty years, design status progressed from raising design awareness and spreading design adaptation to applying design capability.
At present, the most daunting problem is seeking for cross-disciplinary action to solve for future challenges. In 2002, Taiwan's culture and creative industry is first recognized and incorporated in a national development plan- the Challenge 2008. Later in 2008, Taiwan Design Center (TDC) was Iaunched, and design was considered as a definitive arena of innovation for economic growth. Much was learned from the World Design Capital experience in 2016, and this learning was considered in the formulation of future national design policy. Now, a little more than a decade later, TDC will be upgraded into the Taiwan Design Research Institute in April 2020, with a comprehensive plan that specifies five key visions: Design Diplomacy, Social Innovation, Public Service, Industrial Innovation and Design Policy.
The International Design Policy Roundtable Taipei focuses on three directions for the agenda this year: Public Service, Industry Innovation and Social Innovation, all raised in terms of sharing the best practices, methodology and measurement standards through this interdisciplinary discourse, we believe new visions for the future of design policy will emerge.
設計的價值是什麼?What is the Value of Design?
如何衡量設計的價值?How to Measurement the Value of Design?