Picking oong dedalu in Gede’s family rain forest, Tabanan
photo by Chen Pang Chang
張雅筑是生於1991年台北的藝術家、教育者與耕作者,現任職於實踐大學建築系@studiolydiachang 英國皇家藝術學院(Royal College of Art)建築碩士; 倫敦藝術大學聖馬丁學院(Central Saint Martins)建築學士畢業。
photo by Tsai Fang Chi
photo by Chen Pang Chang
張雅筑是生於1991年台北的藝術家、教育者與耕作者,現任職於實踐大學建築系@studiolydiachang 英國皇家藝術學院(Royal College of Art)建築碩士; 倫敦藝術大學聖馬丁學院(Central Saint Martins)建築學士畢業。
曾參與英國Stanton Williams事務所V&A博物館深圳館建案、倫敦設計節(London Design Festival)台灣館製作人、倫敦設計雙年展(London Design Biennale)台灣館共同策展人。2019回台灣後參與社會性倡議行創作,為附近綠地草什麼倡議小組推動者之一、策劃設研院2020國際設計政策 圓桌會議、蘭嶼地下屋研究工作坊、樂生親子藝術工作坊,並於2021年習得樸門認證課程(Permaculture Design Course),近期參與橋洞 計畫創作《新鄰居》於建國高架橋下的八德市場攤位轉化為駐地睡眠空間。
Believing in experiences, using the body to measure the world, exploring the connections between human perception and all things in phenomena.
During a wandering journey, she met a Balinese N, who deeply immersed her in the cosmology of Balinese Hinduism through his daily life, body postures, and religious rituals. She realized that the Balinese’s life is emerging from the land, like how they spiritually corresponding to the volcanoes and the ocean, with all the nature elements, fire, soil, wind and water. Each bite of food represents an exchange of energy with the earth. Temples, communities, houses, bodies, and objects - all aspects of Balinese life are intricately connected to the environment, constantly adjusting the self according to the ever changing situation, respecting all balances around them to find a harmonious relationship. They believe in sensations, believe in the intangible(Sekala & Niskala), and believe that duality is about balance, not opposition.
Lydia's work "Blue House," co-produced with a team in 2022, won the first prize at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum X-site. Among them, the public program "Blue House Study," curated by Chang, attempted to explore the intangible space and blurred boundaries of architecture. Through events and interactions with visitors to the Blue House, they co-created unpredictable and unrepeatable on-site experiences, allowing memories to be carried away by the body and grow freely forever.
photo by Tsai Fang Chi